Terms of service

In the momment you send your commission, you are acepting this following terms of service.
in case that you didn't read them I am not responsible for any inconvenience caused by it.

general warnings

✦ The terms of service can change at any moment without any advice✦ If you want the full rights of the artwork for comercial use, please contact me so we can accord an adecuated value or persentage.✦ I have full rights on the artwork✦ You can make 3 total changes on your commission sketch, once i've done your free changes they'll have an extra charge for each one you want to do. If the chage it's because a mistake of mine, it will have no extra charge.✦ I don't draw gore, odd fetish or realism.✦ My work times are from Monday to Friday.✦ I can share the commission artwork on my portfolio, streams, social media and for promossioning myself.✦ You can ask for updates whenever you want.✦ I have the right to refuse or cancell your commission. In case of that, an adecuated refound will be sent if the situation would need it✦ Remember I’m not only working on your proyect, I’m also working with more clients at the time so I can tend to delay sometimes, once a month has passed without sending you a sketch, you can ask for a refund, but if I have already started your commission you will not be able to ask for it.✦ If you are unable to be patient or wait for you artwork please choose NOT commission me. I always take my time to do commissions. If you still want to commission me knowing this, is totally your decision and you are responsible for any inconvenience that this may cause.✦ I can accept deadlines but not sooner than two weeks. In case that you need your proyect done in less time, it would cost an extra charge of the 70% on the commission.


✦ You are not allowed to change, modify, redraw or recollor my artwork.✦ If you want to have the full comersial and distribution rights on the artwork, please contact me so we can negociate an adecuate value or percentage.


✦ The prices set for my commissions are for (Personal Use).✦ The prices of my commissions are in United States Dollars, but it can only be adapted to Mexican Pesos.✦ I require the total of payment and the paypal tax (if it's needed) to start with your proyect.✦ The payment can be done by paypal invoce or wire transfer (only for Mexico)✦ Once the payment it's done i'll add you to my to do list on trello, so you can see when i have started with you, or whats the progress of your proyect.✦ If you do not send me the payment in a week of sending your request, I will give the slot to another person

about the commission

✦ if I do not answer your direct message is probably because my commissions are closed, I might be busy, on my days off or I’m working with other commission, I’m not ignoring you.✦ You have the right to publish, use and promote the commissioned artwork on your social media, as long as due credit is given to the artist.✦ Do not use these artworks for NFT conversion or any other variant, otherwise you will be blacklisted.✦ Do not send the payment until i confirm your commission.✦ Your commission will be delibered by google drive link on your dm's.✦ If you don't want me to tag you on my post of your commission, just let me know and i will not do it.✦ If you need extra characters, more complexity or so, you can always ask me whatever question you can have and i'll be happy to answer.✦ All the mistakes I made in the commission can be corrected for free.✦ Any correction on the commission already delivered has an additional price.


✦ I'll start wit a WIP sketch and when it's done i will send it for approval.✦ Once you approve the sketch i'll start with the collor, during this part i'll send an update for approval. In this part you can make three small changes for free.✦ For anymations, vtuber riggings, it will be time to start with it and i'll send an update just if you ask for it.✦ Communication is important for me, don't feel uncomfortable to ask or let me know anything.✦ A final wip update will be sent for approval so yo can make one single small change on details.✦ On YCH orders it will only include 1 WIP updates.✦ When the proyect or proyects are done, you will recieve a high quality digital piece on the png, live2D or the format you asked before starting the commission.✦ If you need a special format or size for your proyect, please ask for it and if it's possible i will send it to you in that specific format. If you do not ask for it, i will asume that the usal format i use for that type of commission it's ok to send and i will be not responsable of any inconvenience caused by that.


✦ A total refaund it's only posible if the commission isn't already started.✦ If i already started your commission you will not be able to ask for a refound unless i cancell your proyect, in that case i will send a proportional refound over the work done.